Sunday, May 24, 2020

This week in monetary policy: Kyrgyzstan, Israel, Hungary, Kenya, Fiji, South Korea, Poland, Nigeria, Gambia, Bulgaria & Colombia

    This week - May 24 through May 30 - central banks from 11 countries or jurisdictions are scheduled to decide on monetary policy: Kyrgyz Republic, Israel, Hungary, Kenya, Fiji, South Korea, Poland, Nigeria, Gambia, Bulgaria and Colombia.
    The Central Bank of Nigeria had originally scheduled its monetary policy meetings for Monday and Tuesday, May 25 and May 26, but changed the meeting to a one-day meeting on Thursday, May 28 after Monday and Tuesday were declared Eid-el-Fitr holidays, which marks the end of the month-long Ramadan.
    The Central Bank of the Republic of Colombia normally doesn't hold monetary policy meetings during the months of February, May, August and November. However, on May 13 it decided it would evaluate monetary policy and economic conditions in May, August and November this year due to the exceptional circumstances facing the country's economy.
    Following table includes the name of the country, the date of the next policy decision, the current policy rate, the result of the last policy decision, the change in the policy rate year to date, and the rate one year ago.
    The table is updated when the latest decisions are announced and can always accessed by clicking on This Week.

MAY 24 - MAY 30, 2020:
ISRAEL25-May0.10%-15-150.25%         DM
HUNGARY26-May0.90%000.90%         EM
KENYA27-May7.00%-25-1509.00%         FM
SOUTH KOREA28-May0.75%0-501.75%         EM
POLAND28-May0.50%-50-501.50%         EM
NIGERIA28-May13.50%0013.50%         FM
BULGARIA29-May0.00%000.00%         FM
COLOMBIA 29-May3.25%-50-1004.25%         EM


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