Collaboration among the world’s central banks has improved since the
2008 financial crises, said U.S. Federal Reserve Board Governor Elizabeth Duke, and she
expects this spirit of cooperation to continue in the future.
But while central banks benefit from coordination and cooperation,
adopting the same stance on monetary policy is not always the best choice, said
Duke, who addressed a conference in Mexico City the same day Banco de Mexico
kept interest rates steady due to inflationary pressures.
In her speech, Duke recalled the coordinated interest rate cuts by major
central banks in October 2008 as the effects of the credit crises were
deepening worldwide. This was followed by moves to improve liquidity at
financial institutions and currency swap arrangements by the Federal Reserve with
14 foreign central banks to ease pressures in dollar funding markets.
“The success of these swap lines in alleviating funding pressures and
reducing interbank borrowing rates is a testament to the benefits of central bank
cooperation,” Duke said, adding:
“Indeed, closer ties and more-open lines of communication across central
banks are some positive outcomes of these difficult times. This spirit of
cooperation should continue as our respective central banks work to pursue
monetary policies appropriate for our own economies while supporting stable
financial systems around the world.”
The latest example of cooperation among central banks is the effort to tackle
the problems posed by the benchmark Libor interest rate system, which major central
bank governors will discuss at their bi-monthly meeting at the Bank for
International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, on Sept. 9.
Duke said cooperation among central banks is indeed one of the ways that
each central bank can attain their own mandates in an age of global financial
integration when problems in one country can quickly spill over to other
She said Mexico’s economic
recovery in the second half of 2009 had less momentum that in other Latin
American countries, which meant the Mexican central bank didn’t consider it
necessary to raise interest rates as other central banks in South America.
“Accordingly, it is imperative for each central bank to have monetary
policy tools to appropriately address domestic objectives independent of the
actions of other central banks.”
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